Featured Events

All About Lent

All About Lent

Join Director of Christian Formation Charlotte Elia to learn about the history of Lent, associated spiritual practices, and opportunities the season provides to enliven your faith.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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We Survived the End of the World

We Survived the End of the World

Pandemics and war, social turmoil and corrupt governments, natural disasters and environmental collapse--it's hard not to watch the signs of the times and feel afraid. But we can journey through that fear to find hope. With the warnings of a prophet and the lively voice of a storyteller, Choctaw elder, Episcopal Bishop, and theologian Steven Charleston speaks to all who sense apocalyptic dread rising around and within.

We'll continue this discussion with chapter 5, "Wovoka: To Go Beyond What We Think Is Possible."

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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Myles Roberts

Myles Roberts

Back by popular demand is virtuoso flautist, Myles Roberts. This concert will showcase both the flute and piano in music that is both delicate and vigorous, displaying the full palate and range of both instruments.

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Breathing with the Spirit

Breathing with the Spirit

Join Director of Christian Formation Charlotte Elia for a presentation on the connection between God's Spirit and our breath and to learn three breath exercises to help you navigate life’s challenges: one for calming, one for energizing, and one for empowerment.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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From Op to Pop Duet Edition

From Op to Pop Duet Edition

Leslie Matthews and Lindafaye Newton, vocalists
Roshan Chakane, piano

An evening of songs and duets, with something for everyone, from Classical to Broadway to Pop and Jazz.

Come for Dinner and a Show!
Dinner at Grace Cafe 5:30-6:30pm
Call the church office at 804-748-4636 for dinner reservations.

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Bonefire's Spring Concert

Bonefire's Spring Concert

This concert will feature a choir of Trombones showcasing music that is idiomatic to brass instruments. Additionally, you will hear a few arrangements done by their own members of popular tunes you will love and recognize.

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Spirit Lab: Better Friends

Spirit Lab: Better Friends

Even the best of friendships don't just happen. Relationships need careful attention and cultivation to not just survive but thrive. In this workshop you'll be introduced to a few perspectives and tools from the Christian tradition to strengthen your friendships and to deepen your bonds with others. 1st Floor Conference Room.

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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Spirit Lab: Better Sleep

Spirit Lab: Better Sleep

Did you know that the Christian tradition includes spiritual practices designed to help you sleep better? In this workshop you'll be introduced to a few of these tools with practical guidance on how you can best use them to improve the quality of your sleep and your general sense of wellbeing. 1st Floor Conference Room.

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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We Survived the End of the World

We Survived the End of the World

Pandemics and war, social turmoil and corrupt governments, natural disasters and environmental collapse--it's hard not to watch the signs of the times and feel afraid. But we can journey through that fear to find hope. With the warnings of a prophet and the lively voice of a storyteller, Choctaw elder, Episcopal Bishop, and theologian Steven Charleston speaks to all who sense apocalyptic dread rising around and within.

We'll continue this discussion with chapter 4, "Smohalla: If the Land has Anything to Say."

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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Spirit Lab: Journaling as Prayer

Spirit Lab: Journaling as Prayer

Start the new year with a new or renewed spiritual practice!

In this workshop you'll gain insights on journaling as a spiritual practice before then engaging a few brief writing prompts encouraging you to pour out your hidden heart to God. This experience should leave you feeling more self-aware and spiritually present.

Bring your favorite writing tools, e.g. journal, paper, pen, laptop, etc.

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The Didache

The Didache

The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.

Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.

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We Survived the End of the World

We Survived the End of the World

Pandemics and war, social turmoil and corrupt governments, natural disasters and environmental collapse--it's hard not to watch the signs of the times and feel afraid. But we can journey through that fear to find hope. With the warnings of a prophet and the lively voice of a storyteller, Choctaw elder, Episcopal Bishop, and theologian Steven Charleston speaks to all who sense apocalyptic dread rising around and within.

We'll continue this discussion with chapter 3, "Tenskwatawa: The House of the Stranger."

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Christmas Pageant

Christmas Pageant

Join us for worship on this Fourth Sunday of Advent as we celebrate the season with a Christmas pageant and carols. A reception will follow with hot chocolate and other treats!

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Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation

Wear comfortable clothes for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal. Utilizing breath work and simple affirmations, this session should leave participants feeling more spiritually aware and physically relaxed.

Our session will last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

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Letters Series: After Ten Years

Letters Series: After Ten Years

Join us for a series of informal discussions of various letters written as acts of witness in times of crisis. In this session we’ll be discussing Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s After Ten Years.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was arrested in 1943 because of his public repudiation of the Nazis and was later linked to an attempted assassination of Hitler. He was hanged in April 1945 at Flossenbürg concentration camp. In this 1942 Christmas letter to close friends in the resistance, Bonhoeffer attempts to define the Christian faith in the face of such great evil. 1st Floor Conference Room.

A copy of the letter can be found here.

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