Christian Formation
Weekly Offerings
Simply Loved
Our youngest friends are invited to join us in Room 207 at 11:15am on Sundays for lessons and activities exploring the Bible.
Our unit this fall focuses on stories from the book of Acts.
The Didache
The Didache, or The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, offers a glimpse into the faith and hope, the discipline and rituals, and the anxieties and challenges facing gentiles being trained for full, active participation in the earliest Jewish-Christian communities, 50-70 CE. Reflecting on the beliefs and practices of some of our earliest ancestors in the faith will offer us fresh perspectives as we seek to follow Christ today.
Sundays after worship at 11:15am in the Pastors' Gallery. For youth and adults.
Pastor's Bible Study - Acts for Everyone
Writing in an accessable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Led by Pastor Gordon Mapes, this class meets on Wednesdays from 10-11am in the 1st Floor Conference Room.
Requies Divina: Blissful Sleep Meditation
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat and a pillow for this time of guided contemplation for spiritual rest and renewal.
Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Room 214.
Spirituality Workshops & Formation Events
We Survived the End of the World - April 10 @ 10am
Pandemics and war, social turmoil and corrupt governments, natural disasters and environmental collapse--it's hard not to watch the signs of the times and feel afraid. But we can journey through that fear to find hope. With the warnings of a prophet and the lively voice of a storyteller, Choctaw elder, Episcopal Bishop, and theologian Steven Charleston speaks to all who sense apocalyptic dread rising around and within.
We'll continue this discussion with chapter 6, "The Hopi: Migrating through Time and Space."
The Lamentations of Jeremiah - April 19 @ 10am
Readings from the book of Lamentations have traditionally been used in observances of Holy Saturday to mark the despair, fear, and loneliness experienced in the time between Christ's death and resurrection. As the city of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon not only symbolized but actualized the presence of God among his people, so too did the physical body of Christ actualize the presence of God in this world. As the destruction of the first Temple was both a cultural trauma and a spiritual loss, so much more is the destruction of the Temple of Christ’s body.
Join us in historic Wyatt Chapel for this solemn meditation as Director of Christian Formation Charlotte Elia delivers these verses in unaccompanied plainchant. This program will last approximately 45 minutes.