Christian Formation

Weekly Offerings

  • Children's Story Lab

    Our youngest friends are invited to join us in Room 210 at 11:15am on Sundays for a lesson and activities exploring a different popular storybook each week.

  • Spirit Lab: Youth & Adults

    Join us at after worship at 11:15am on Formation Sundays for hands-on activities designed to enhance your sense of God’s presence through creativity.

  • Pastor's Bible Study - Acts for Everyone

    Writing in an accessable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Led by Pastor Gordon Mapes, this class meets on Wednesdays from 10-11am in the 1st Floor Conference Room.

Spirituality Workshops & Formation Events

  • Spirit Lab: Origami Doves - July 14 @ 11:15am

    In this workshop you’ll learn how to create origami doves and how to use that process toward a spiritual goal. Plenty of time will be available to fold several doves as prayers. Our doves will then serve as reminders encouraging us to pray whenever we spot them in our homes or offices.

    All materials provided.

  • Cat sleeping on yoga mat

    Requies Divina - July 17 @ 7pm

    Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat and a pillow for this time of guided contemplation and centering prayer for spiritual rest and renewal.

    Our sessions take place in the sanctuary and last approximately 45 minutes. Free and open to the public.

  • Spirit Lab: Journaling as Prayer - July 21 @ 11:15am

    In this workshop you'll draw inspiration from a classic Christian spirituality excerpt and a brief centering prayer before being encouraged to pour out your hidden heart to God through the written word. This experience should leave you feeling more self-aware, spiritually present, and connected to God.

  • Spirit Lab: Visual Midrash - July 28 @ 11:15am

    In this workshop you’ll reflect on the story of Ruth and Boaz in Ruth 2:1-16 using the process of visual midrash. After repeated readings of the text, you’ll work with modeling clay to explore your thoughts and questions about the passage. No artistic ability required!

  • Spirit Lab: Psalms of Thanksgiving- August 11 @ 11:15am

    In this workshop you'll be introduced to the form and structure of the biblical psalms of thanks giving before being encouraged to use that model to compose your own psalm in gratitude to God. Participants will not be asked to share their work, but they will have the opportunity to offer any insights they might have gained if they so choose.